Dental cavities can get in the way of achieving bright, lasting smiles. Here’s how our dental team at Pro Grace Dentistry can be of help.
As with any dental problem, it would be an advantage if you get to detect the presence of dental cavities as early as possible, or better yet, prevent them from developing altogether. Such can be done through regular oral exams and dental cleanings, starting off at a child’s early age. Remember, it’s important to instill good hygiene and habits when it comes to achieving optimal oral health.
In the case of detecting small cavities, these can be easily filled without the aid of anesthetic. The early detection of dental cavities is essential in saving the teeth’s structure and solidity from further decay and damage.
Pro Grace Dentistry also restores cavity-infested teeth through diverse dental services. These can include onlays and crowns, metal-free fillings and bonding procedures, depending on the severity of the case. After a thorough inspection of the dental cavities, we would recommend the best solution to suit your situation.
Our office is in-network with all major insurance providers. Please bring your insurance card to each appointment so we can make sure your information is as up-to-date as possible. If you do not find your insurance provider here; please call at (587) 418-8462 for clarity.
Our team here at Pro Grace Dentistry are pleased to be offer a variety of cosmetic treatments.
Our experienced team here at Pro Grace Dentistry believes in providing quality dental care.
Many of our patients bring to our attention that they want to straighten crooked or misaligned teeth.
At Pro Grace Dentistry we offer an array of restorative solutions utilizing the highest quality materials.
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Office Hours:
Monday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
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